Is Cytopoint a Steroid? Uncovering the Truth | US Guide

Dr. Isabella Martinez
11 Min Read

As a pet owner, you may have tried treating your animal with steroids if they had allergies. Although steroids are usually the first line of treatment, there are worries regarding long-term negative effects. That’s where Cytopoint comes in, a new and increasingly popular treatment option that promises to be steroid-free. But what exactly is Cytopoint, and is it truly a steroid-free alternative? Let’s dig in a little deeper.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cytopoint is a non-steroidal medication used to treat allergic skin reactions in dogs.
  • Unlike steroids, which work by suppressing the immune system, Cytopoint targets a specific protein that triggers allergic reactions.
  • While it may have steroid-like effects, Cytopoint doesn’t contain any actual steroids.
  • Cytopoint is a promising alternative for pet owners concerned about the potential side effects of steroid use in pets.

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Understanding Cytopoint

Cytopoint is a non-steroidal therapeutic alternative for pets suffering from atopic dermatitis, an immunological skin condition that causes irritation and itching. Veterinarians administer the medication, an injectable monoclonal antibody that blocks the action of a particular protein (interleukin-31) implicated in the itching sensation pathway. In this manner, it lessens pet itchiness and inflammation without needing drugs.

Cytopoint is a biological drug that targets specific cells in the immune system, causing inflammation and itchiness. Unlike steroids, which have a systemic effect on the pet’s entire body, Cytopoint is targeted only to the affected area and does not have any systemic effects. Due to the quality and working mechanism of Cytopoint, owners prefer it over other steroids.

Cytopoint vs. Steroids: A Comparison

When it comes to treating pet allergies, Cytopoint and steroids are two commonly used options. However, there are some significant differences between these two treatments that the pet owner should be aware of. In this section, we’ll compare Cytopoint to steroids, highlighting their different modes of action, side effects, and efficacy.

Cytopoint vs. Steroids: Mode of Action

A monoclonal antibody treatment called Cytopoint selectively targets and neutralizes IL-31, a protein that is crucial for the itching and inflammation that accompany allergic reactions. Steroids, on the other hand, are systemic medications that function by lowering inflammation all over the body and suppressing the immune system.

Cytopoint vs. Steroids: Side Effects

Both Cytopoint and steroids have some side effects, but the consequences of the side effects and their severity differ among these two options.

Cytopoint usually causes well-tolerating side effects that can be treated with natural remedies at home. There are few chances of severe consequences other than diarrhea, lethargy, and vomiting. 

Steroids cause some severe side effects compared to Cytopoint, like a problem in immune functioning, health complications including diabetes, weight gain, and sometimes liver or kidney damage.

Cytopoint vs. Steroids: Efficacy

Cytopoint and steroids have been shown to manage allergy symptoms in pets effectively. However, studies have suggested that Cytopoint may be more effective than steroids in relieving itching and improving the quality of life for pets with allergies.

In addition, Cytopoint does not have the same risk of steroid resistance that can occur with prolonged or repeated use of steroids, making it a potentially more sustainable long-term treatment option.

Debunking the Cytopoint Steroid Myth

There has been a misconception surrounding Cytopoint that it is a steroid. However, Cytopoint is neither a steroid nor contains any steroids in its composition particles.

This novel therapeutic approach, Cytopoint, functions by focusing on particular proteins within the body that cause allergic reactions, all while maintaining immune system stability. With this focused strategy, the likelihood of the usual steroid side effects is reduced. “Cytopoint is a biological therapy that targets the underlying cause of itch in dogs and provides long-lasting relief without using steroids.”

The quote above is from Zoetis, the manufacturer of Cytopoint, and it highlights the facts about this treatment option.

Understanding Cytopoint’s Mode of Action

Cytopoint is a non-steroidal option for the treatment of allergic reactions in pets. It blocks the effects of particular proteins in the body that cause the immune response, so halting the progression of inflammation. Cytopoint reduces the possibility of side effects with its focused approach, in contrast to steroids that depress the immune system.

In essence, Cytopoint works like a sponge, soaking up and neutralizing the proteins responsible for the allergic reaction. It provides quick relief for pets with itching, redness, and swelling.

Side Effects of Cytopoint

Cytopoint has been widely recognized as a safe and effective treatment option for pets with allergies. Similar to the case of different medications, it also has potential risks and effects.

According to the manufacturer, typical side effects of Cytopoint include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Pruritus (itchiness)
  • Ear infection

Usually minor, these side effects go away independently without any help. But if your pet experiences severe or long-lasting side effects, it’s imperative to consult your veterinarian.

Interestingly, steroids, which are often used in veterinary medicine, do not have the same negative consequences as Cytopoint. Steroid use can have several negative consequences, including increased thirst and appetite, weight gain, and an increased risk of infection.

Cytopoint is a safe solution for pets with allergies because of its generally moderate and uncommon adverse effects.

Cytopoint as a Steroid Alternative

  • For pet owners looking for an alternative to steroids, Cytopoint may be a viable option. As discussed, Cytopoint works differently than steroids and does not have the same potential side effects.
  • Cytopoint is a non-steroidal treatment that targets specific proteins in a pet’s immune system to alleviate symptoms of allergic reactions. This targeted approach can result in fewer side effects than steroids, making it a safer option for some pets.
  • But we should remember that every pet has needs, and Cytopoint might not be suitable for some. To decide to use Cytopoint for your pet, you should take clear-cut advice from your vet and proceed. Vets usually recommend Cytopoint as a steroid alternative, but they might also refer to something else based on the allergic experiences of the pet.
  • In the next section, we will discuss the safety and efficacy of Cytopoint as a treatment option for pets and provide evidence of its effectiveness in managing allergies without steroid-like effects.

Cytopoint: A Safe and Effective Treatment

  • Non-Steroidal Allergy Relief: Cytopoint offers a non-steroidal, effective solution for pets suffering from allergies, focusing on the root cause without the typical steroid effects.
  • Targeted Action: It works by specifically targeting and neutralizing the protein responsible for triggering allergic reactions, offering immediate and lasting relief.
  • Safe Injection Treatment: Administered through injection, Cytopoint acts directly and is proven to provide significant relief from allergy symptoms in pets.
  • Minimal Side Effects: Unlike conventional steroids, which can lead to increased appetite, thirst, and other side effects, Cytopoint is known for its minimal adverse reactions, making it a safer alternative.
  • Durable and Tolerant: Pets generally tolerate Cytopoint well, showcasing its safety and effectiveness as a long-term solution for managing allergies.
  • Ideal Steroid Alternative: For pet owners seeking a reliable and safe treatment option for their furry friends, Cytopoint emerges as an excellent choice, steering clear of the downsides associated with steroids.

Cytopoint as a Steroid-Free Treatment Option

For pet owners who are concerned about the potential side effects of steroids, Cytopoint can be a safe and effective alternative. Unlike steroids, Cytopoint explicitly targets proteins that cause allergic reactions in pets without affecting other areas of the body.

Furthermore, Cytopoint does not suppress the immune system like steroids do, which can leave pets vulnerable to infections and other health issues. Instead, it works by blocking the signals that trigger itching and inflammation, relieving pets without compromising their health.

For pets with chronic allergies, Cytopoint can be the solution in the long run that does not require ongoing steroid use. Your trusted vet can provide insight into whether Cytopoint is the right choice for your pet’s unique health needs.

Other Considerations and Options

In addition to Cytopoint, other steroid-free treatment options may be worth considering for pets with allergies. These include:

  • Antihistamines
  • Topical treatments
  • Immunotherapy

These options have benefits and limitations, but the case and severity of allergies determine the best choice. Consider taking advice from the vet before you make the choice and jump to any conclusion.


  • Cytopoint Not a Steroid: Clearing up common misconceptions, Cytopoint is not a steroid but a targeted solution for pet allergies.
  • Unique Mode of Action: Unlike steroids, Cytopoint operates through a specialized mechanism, focusing on reducing allergic reactions in pets.
  • Safe and Efficient: Documented with minimal adverse effects, Cytopoint stands out as a reliable and effective option for managing pet allergies.
  • Tailored Pet Care Options: While Cytopoint is beneficial for many pets, it’s important to evaluate other treatments as alternatives based on specific needs.
  • Informed Veterinary Advice: Consulting with a veterinarian ensures the best treatment choice, whether Cytopoint or another therapy, for your pet’s unique situation.
  • Optimizing Pet Health: Embrace Cytopoint for a steroid-free, scientifically-backed approach to enhancing your pet’s well-being by alleviating allergy symptoms.

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Dr. Isabella Martinez has been a trusted veterinarian in the heart of Miami for the past 19 years. Over the course of her illustrious career, she has treated a myriad of animals, from the tiniest of hamsters to the grandest of Great Danes. Her journey hasn't just been about treating illnesses or performing surgeries; it's been about connecting with the animals and understanding their stories. Miami, with its vibrant culture and diverse pet population, has provided Dr. Martinez with countless tales of joy, heartbreak, and wonder. Every pet has a story, and every owner has a bond with their furry friend that's unique and profound. Recognizing the wealth of experiences she's amassed and the lessons she's learned, Dr. Martinez decided to start a blog delves into her adventures as a Miami vet. Through her posts, readers get a glimpse of the challenges faced in the veterinary world, the breakthroughs in treatments, and the heartwarming moments that make the job worthwhile. "Apoquel" isn't just a blog; it's a testament to Dr. Martinez's dedication to her profession and her love for the animals she treats. Through her words, she hopes to inspire future veterinarians, educate pet owners, and share the magic that happens when humans and animals connect.
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